Pequod Llibres :: Barcelona

Another destination with the smell of sea and literature and wanderlust. There are ships, sailor stories and an owner who conquers new literature lands while working on ten things at a time. Moby Dick’s ship Pequod is not only the bookshop’s name giver, but also shows the way to immortal prose.

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Interview with Pere Fernández (photo above), owner of Pequod Llibres.

Which three books of Barcelona would you recommend to a person visiting the city?
Últimas tardes con Teresa by Juan Marsé.
La plaça del Diamant by Mercè Rodoreda.
Paseos con mi madre by Javier Pérez Andújar.
All three of them will take you, in different time frames, to the daily grind of a different Barcelona, the one behind the scenes, the postcards and the tour operator itineraries.

Please tell me a bit about the literary scene in your neighbourhood Gràcia.
Gràcia has got a bit of everything, because in many ways this is a city within the city: it’s home to authors, independent publishing companies, and no less than 35 small bookstores specializing in every possible field, anything from classic and contemporary literature to aeronautics, Japanese, Italian and English culture, alternative therapies, travel, kids and young readers, and whatnot. We have recently associated to gain visibility and display ourselves as an alternative to large chain and shopping mall stores. You can check us all


What’s the story of your bookshop?
A classic case of midlife crisis I guess :) My wife and I started it 3 years ago because we wanted to take back a certain amount of control in our lives, which were basically oriented to work, and then work, and then more work for others. Being both avid readers and books lovers, a bookshop was in the horizon from the beginning. Working for hours on end is still pretty much what I do today, but I would not go back. Basically it does not matter how rough your day is – it’s better when you are surrounded by immortal prose.

What are the challenges nowadays in Spain to run a bookshop – and which ideas make Pequod Llibres unique and special?
The main challenge is shared with many other small businesses these days – the unfair competition from huge retail moguls (who, with the connivance of governments, evade paying their taxes in-country) that throw millions and millions in losses each year, just because they can afford to go on like this until they simply own the whole market. I need not say names. Another recurrent complaint down here is people don’t read much in Spain, but that’s not something I like – I even find it a bit offensive to the excellent reading taste of my regular customers :) Andrew Wylie said recently (not literally) “let’s not get mad about business, dollars, mergers, whatever. This is a small business because there are simply not that very many readers in the world.” That’s my thoughts too.
As for what makes Pequod unique and special, that is not for me to say, but people keep coming back so we must be doing something right! For one thing I like it slow – a sale here frequently develops into a 20-minute chat about this author or that novel.  Some have said this place feels more like an oversized living room than a store. That is certainly one of the goals. The last “secret” may sound too obvious but I can openly boast it as the merit is not mine: The books I sell are really good.

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Can you recommend a few of your favourite places near Pequod Llibres?
I have so many good friends here that I should either name them all or none, but at the risk of being unfair to others I will mention Café Salambó, which frequently collaborates with Pequod in collective readings, book presentations and such. But here in Gràcia you will not have to walk far before you something draws your attention, whether it’s movies, music, food and drink, or just a bench to sit and chat – life here goes on largely in the streets.

Pequod Llibres
since March 2011
Founded by Consuelo Gallego and Pere Fernández.
Carrer de Milà i Fontanals 59, 08012 Barcelona, Spain.
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 10 – 21, Saturday 10 – 15

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